Source code for manheim_c7n_tools.dryrun_diff

# Copyright 2017-2019 Manheim / Cox Automotive
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Script to compare the affected resources matched per-policy, per-region
between a dryrun and the last actual run of each policy. High-level results
are written to a Mardown file (to be added as a comment on the PR), Low-level
differences are written to a HTML file (to be added as a link on the PR).

import sys
import glob
import re
import logging
import json
import boto3
import argparse
import itertools
import os
from zlib import decompress
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateNotFound

from c7n.resources import load_available
from c7n.provider import get_resource_class

from manheim_c7n_tools.utils import set_log_info, set_log_debug
from manheim_c7n_tools.config import ManheimConfig
from manheim_c7n_tools.version import VERSION

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DryRunDiffer(object): UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_TYPE = 'unknown_type' RESOURCE_TYPE_KEY = 'resource_type' UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_ID = 'unknown_id' def __init__(self, config): """ Initialize a dryrun differ. :param config: manheim-c7n-tools configuration object :type config: ManheimConfig """ self._live_results = {} self.config = config
[docs] def run(self, git_dir=None, diff_against='master'): dryrun_results = self._get_dryrun_results()'Reading results from last run from S3') for rname in self.config.regions: logger.debug('Getting S3 results for region: %s', rname) self._get_s3_results_for_region(rname) diff_md, diff_count = self._make_diff_markdown(dryrun_results) with open('', 'w') as fh: fh.write( 'PR found to contain changes to ' '%d policies\n\n' % diff_count ) fh.write(diff_md)'PR diff written to:') diff_report = self._make_diff_report(dryrun_results) if diff_report: with open('pr_report.html', 'w') as fh: fh.write(diff_report)'PR report written to: pr_report.html')
[docs] def _make_diff_report(self, dryrun): """ Return a HTML report breaking down the differences between the dryrun (this branch) and the last run of each policy on master. Requires a jinja template located at `./reporting-template/report.j2` within the same directory where the dryrun-diff step has been run. :param dryrun: dryrun policy resource information :type dryrun: dict :return: html report :rtype: str """ all_policies = list( set(dryrun.keys()) | set(self._live_results.keys()) ) entries = {} if not all_policies:'no policies found - skipping diff report') return '' t_loader = FileSystemLoader(searchpath="./reporting-template/") t_env = Environment(loader=t_loader) t_file = "report.j2" try: tmpl = t_env.get_template(t_file) except TemplateNotFound:'unable to find a template - skipping diff report') return '' for policy in all_policies: for region in self.config.regions: dryrun_id = self._get_resource_id(dryrun, policy) liverun_id = self._get_resource_id(self._live_results, policy) dryrun_res = dryrun.get(policy, {}).get(region, []) liverun_res = self._live_results.get(policy, {})\ .get(region, []) liverun_not_possible = \ liverun_res and liverun_id == self.UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_ID dryrun_not_possible = \ dryrun_res and dryrun_id == self.UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_ID if liverun_not_possible or dryrun_not_possible: logger.error( 'unknown resource_id encountered for either \ dryrun or liverun resources - policy: %s', policy) return '' dry_ids = { '{}: {}'.format(dryrun_id, x[dryrun_id]) for x in dryrun_res } live_ids = { '{}: {}'.format(liverun_id, x[liverun_id]) for x in liverun_res } additions = [ {'id': x, 'type': 'added'} for x in dry_ids.difference(live_ids) ] removals = [ {'id': x, 'type': 'removed'} for x in live_ids.difference(dry_ids) ] untouched = [ {'id': x, 'type': 'unchanged'} for x in dry_ids.intersection(live_ids) ] resources = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(( additions or [], removals or [], untouched or [] ))) if policy not in entries: entries[policy] = {} entries[policy][region] = { 'resources': resources, 'total_add': len(additions), 'total_remove': len(removals), 'total_untouch': len(untouched) } return tmpl.render( account_name=self.config.account_id, entries=entries )
[docs] def _get_resource_id(self, resource, policy): """ Obtain the id for a given policy from a dict of resources. :param resource: the dict of resources :param policy: the name of the policy :return: the resource_id the policy affects :rtype: string """ resource_type = resource.get(policy, {}).get( self.RESOURCE_TYPE_KEY, self.UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_TYPE) if resource_type == self.UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_TYPE: return load_available() _id = self.UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_ID try: _id = get_resource_class(resource_type) \ .resource_type() \ .id except Exception: logger.warning( 'unable to get resource_id for %s - id: %s', policy, _id) return _id
[docs] def _make_diff_markdown(self, dryrun): """ Return GitHub-flavored Markdown showing the difference between the dryrun (this branch) and the last run of each policy on master. :param dryrun: dryrun policy resource counts :type dryrun: dict :return: markdown diff :rtype: str """ policy_diff_count = 0 all_policies = list(set( list(dryrun.keys()) + list(self._live_results.keys()) )) if len(all_policies) == 0: return 'No policy reports found. Perhaps all changed policies ' \ 'are event-based instead of periodic?\n' maxlen = max([len(x) for x in all_policies]) fmt = '%s %{maxlen}s %6s %6s %6s \n'.format(maxlen=maxlen) linelen = 30 + maxlen res = '```diff\n' res += '##%s last ##\n' % (' ' * maxlen) res += '##%s live ##\n' % (' ' * maxlen) res += '##%s run PR diff ##\n' % (' ' * maxlen) for pname in sorted(all_policies): for rname in self.config.regions: a = len(self._live_results.get(pname, {}).get(rname, [])) b = len(dryrun.get(pname, {}).get(rname, [])) a_str = '--' if a == 0 else a b_str = '--' if b == 0 else b prefix = ' ' diff = '' # No changes in resource counts if a == b: continue res += '%s\n' % ('=' * linelen) res += pname + "\n" policy_diff_count += 1 if a == '--' and b != '--': # in PR but not in master/live prefix = '+' diff = '+%d' % b elif a != '--' and b == '--': # in master/live but not in PR prefix = '-' diff = -1 * a if a > b: # in both, more resources in live than PR prefix = '-' diff = b - a elif a < b: # in both, fewer resources in live than PR prefix = '+' diff = b - a res += fmt % ( prefix, rname, a_str, b_str, diff ) res += '```\n' return res, policy_diff_count
[docs] def _get_dryrun_results(self): """ Read the `resources.json` files from disk for the dryrun/ directory. Return a dictionary of string policy name to nested dictionaries, of string region name to resources. :return: dictionary of nested dictionaries, policy name to dict of region name to resource :rtype: dict """ res = {} logger.debug('Getting dryrun results from disk...') fname_re = re.compile(r'dryrun/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/resources.json') for f in glob.glob('dryrun/*/*/resources.json'): m = fname_re.match(f) if not m: logger.error('ERROR: file path does not match regex: %s', f) continue region = policy = _dir = os.path.dirname(f) logger.debug('Reading files from directory: %s', _dir) try: self._read_dryrun_files(_dir, policy, region, res) except Exception: logger.error('ERROR reading from dir: %s', _dir, exc_info=True) continue logger.debug('Got dryrun results for %d policies', len(res)) return res
[docs] def _read_dryrun_files(self, directory, pol, region, res): """ Read the directory for dryrun files, and attaches each resource to the supplied result dict via their policy-name and region. :param directory: the path where the dryrun files are located :param pol: the name of the policy :param region: the name of the region :param res: the dict that will be mutated with the resources found. :return: a dict of resources :rtype: dict """ if pol not in res: res[pol] = {} resources = os.path.join(directory, 'resources.json') with open(resources, 'r') as fh: logger.debug('Reading from file: %s', resources) res[pol][region] = json.loads( if self.RESOURCE_TYPE_KEY not in res[pol]: metadata = os.path.join(directory, 'metadata.json') with open(metadata, 'r') as fh: logger.debug('Reading from file: %s', metadata) mj = json.loads( _type = mj.get('policy', {}).get( 'resource', self.UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_TYPE) res[pol][self.RESOURCE_TYPE_KEY] = _type
[docs] def _get_s3_results_for_region(self, region_name): """ Find the results files in S3 from the last live run of the deployed policies. Reads each file and maps resources to ``self._live_results`` accordingly. """ s3 = boto3.resource('s3', region_name=region_name) bktname = self.config.config_for_region( region_name ).output_s3_bucket_name bkt = s3.Bucket(bktname) prefixes = self._get_s3_policy_prefixes(bkt) logger.debug('Found %d policy prefixes in %s', len(prefixes), bktname) for p in prefixes: if p not in self._live_results: self._live_results[p] = {} fetch_type = self.RESOURCE_TYPE_KEY not in self._live_results[p] resource, _type = self._get_latest_res_for_policy( bkt, p, fetch_type) self._live_results[p][region_name] = resource if fetch_type: self._live_results[p][self.RESOURCE_TYPE_KEY] = _type logger.debug('Done getting resource counts for %s', region_name)
[docs] def _get_s3_policy_prefixes(self, bucket): """ Find all of the per-policy prefixes (a.k.a. "directories") in the S3 bucket. Return a list of them :param bucket: the S3 bucket to list policies in :type bucket: ``boto3.S3.Bucket`` :return: list of per-policy prefixes in S3 bucket :rtype: list """ client = bucket.meta.client response = client.list_objects(, Delimiter='/', Prefix='logs/' ) if response['IsTruncated']: raise RuntimeError('ERROR: S3 response was truncated!') if 'CommonPrefixes' not in response: logger.error( 'ERROR: "CommonPrefixes" element not in S3 ListObjects ' 'response; bucket must be empty!' ) return [] result = [] for pname in response['CommonPrefixes']: result.append(pname['Prefix'].replace('logs/', '').strip('/')) return result
[docs] def _get_latest_res_for_policy(self, bucket, pol_name, get_res_type): """ Given the S3 Bucket and a policy name, find the newest ``resources.json`` file for that policy and annotate it with it's respective type from the ``metadata.json`` file. :param bucket: the bucket to look in :type bucket: ``boto3.S3.Bucket`` :param pol_name: the name of the policy :type pol_name: str :return: resource from latest run of the policy :rtype: obj """ newest_res = None newest_meta = None for obj in bucket.objects.filter(Prefix='logs/%s/' % pol_name): if obj.key.endswith('/resources.json') or \ obj.key.endswith('/resources.json.gz'): if newest_res is None or \ obj.last_modified > newest_res.last_modified: newest_res = obj if obj.key.endswith('/metadata.json') or \ obj.key.endswith('/metadata.json.gz'): if newest_meta is None or \ obj.last_modified > newest_meta.last_modified: newest_meta = obj if newest_res is None or newest_meta is None: logger.warning('Found no objects for %s', pol_name) return {}, self.UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_TYPE logger.debug( 'Found newest key for %s in %s: resource: %s, metadata: %s', pol_name,, newest_res.key, newest_meta.key ) # ok, ``newest`` is the newest resource.json for the policy; read it resource = self._extract_data_from_s3_obj(newest_res) _type = '' if get_res_type: metadata = self._extract_data_from_s3_obj(newest_meta) _type = metadata.get('policy', {}) \ .get('resource', self.UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_TYPE) return resource, _type
[docs] def _extract_data_from_s3_obj(self, obj): """ Extracts a JSON payload from an S3 object. """ res = obj.get() body = res['Body'] if obj.key.endswith('.gz'): # object is gzipped; see c7n.output.FSOutput.compress() body = body = decompress(body, 15 + 32) return json.loads(body)
[docs]def parse_args(argv): p = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generate a diff of resources matched by policies in ' 'this dryrun vs the live policies' ) p.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=VERSION) p.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='count', default=0, help='verbose output. specify twice for debug-level output.') p.add_argument('-g', '--git-dir', dest='git_dir', action='store', type=str, default=None, help='path to git directory, if not pwd') p.add_argument('-d', '--diff-against', dest='diff_against', action='store', type=str, default='master', help='git ref to diff against (default: master)') p.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest='config', action='store', default='manheim-c7n-tools.yml', help='Config file path (default: ./manheim-c7n-tools.yml)') p.add_argument('ACCOUNT_NAME', type=str, action='store', help='Account name in config file, to run diff for') args = p.parse_args(argv) return args
[docs]def main(): global logger # setup logging for direct command-line use FORMAT = "[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format=FORMAT) logger = logging.getLogger() # suppress boto3 internal logging below WARNING level boto3_log = logging.getLogger("boto3") boto3_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) boto3_log.propagate = True # suppress botocore internal logging below WARNING level botocore_log = logging.getLogger("botocore") botocore_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) botocore_log.propagate = True # end setup logging args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) # set logging level if args.verbose > 1: set_log_debug(logger) elif args.verbose == 1: set_log_info(logger) conf = ManheimConfig.from_file(args.config, args.ACCOUNT_NAME) DryRunDiffer(conf).run( git_dir=args.git_dir, diff_against=args.diff_against, )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()