Source code for manheim_c7n_tools.errorscan

# Copyright 2017-2019 Manheim / Cox Automotive
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Script to scan CloudWatch metrics, logs, and Dead Letter SQS queue for all
cloud-custodian lambda functions, and print info and logs and exit non-zero if
any failed or errored.

import sys
import argparse
import logging
import boto3
from botocore.config import Config
import re
from time import time, sleep
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
from operator import itemgetter

from manheim_c7n_tools.utils import (
    set_log_info, set_log_debug, red, green, assume_role
from manheim_c7n_tools.version import VERSION, PROJECT_URL
from manheim_c7n_tools.config import ManheimConfig

FORMAT = "[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format=FORMAT)
logger = logging.getLogger()

# suppress boto3 internal logging below WARNING level
boto3_log = logging.getLogger("boto3")
boto3_log.propagate = True

# suppress botocore internal logging below WARNING level
botocore_log = logging.getLogger("botocore")
botocore_log.propagate = True

# Override max attempts for botocore retry configuration, to cope with
# throttling. This  constant is used in two different places below...

[docs]class UTC(tzinfo): """UTC"""
[docs] def utcoffset(self, dt): return timedelta(0)
[docs] def tzname(self, dt): return "UTC"
[docs] def dst(self, dt): return timedelta(0)
[docs]class LambdaHealthChecker(object): """Class for checking Lambda func health via CloudWatch""" # If a log message meets this exact regex, skip over it NO_OWNER_EMAIL_LOOKUP_WARNING = re.compile( r'.*(ERROR|WARNING).*unable to lookup owner email.*' 'Please configure LDAP or org_domain') req_id_re = re.compile( r'^(START|END|REPORT|\S+\s\S+)\s' r'([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}).*' ) def __init__(self, func_name, region_name, logs=None, cw=None): """ Initialize LambdaHealthChecker :param func_name: Lambda function name :type func_name: str :param region_name: name of the region to run against :type region_name: str :param logs: boto3 "logs" service client, or None to create new :type logs: boto3.client :param cw: boto3 "cloudwatch" Service Resource, or None to create new :type cw: boto3.resource """ self._func_name = func_name if logs is None: # override default max_attempts from 5 to 10, for throttling retry_conf = Config( retries={'max_attempts': BOTOCORE_MAX_ATTEMPTS}) self._logs = boto3.client( 'logs', config=retry_conf, region_name=region_name ) else: self._logs = logs if cw is None: self._cw = boto3.resource('cloudwatch', region_name=region_name) else: self._cw = cw
[docs] def get_filtered_logs( self, request_ids, interval=86400, group_name=None, always_match_re=None, never_match_re=None ): """ Get CloudWatch logs for the last ``interval`` seconds and return only those entries with messages matching ``filter_re``. :param request_ids: list of str request IDs to get logs for :type request_ids: list :param group_name: CloudWatch logs group name. If left at default of ``None``, defaults to ``/aws/lambda/{func_name}``. :type group_name: str :param interval: how far back in logs to look, in seconds :type interval: int :param always_match_re: Regex for logs to ALWAYS return :type always_match_re: ``re`` :param never_match_re: Regex for logs to NEVER return, even if they match ``always_match_re``. :type never_match_re: ``re`` :return: dict of request_id to list of log entry dicts :rtype: dict """ logs = self.get_cloudwatch_logs( interval=interval, group_name=group_name ) if group_name is None: group_name = '/aws/lambda/%s' % self._func_name result = {} matchcount = 0 for log in logs: m = self.req_id_re.match(log['message']) if always_match_re is None: always_m = None else: # if the regex is found, then skip this log and continue noelw = re.match(self.NO_OWNER_EMAIL_LOOKUP_WARNING, log['message']) if noelw: continue always_m = always_match_re.match(log['message']) if m is None and always_m is None: logger.debug( 'Event %s in group %s stream %s does not match ' 'RequestId regex: %s', log['eventId'], group_name, log['logStreamName'], log['message'] ) continue if m is not None: req_id = if req_id in request_ids: log['logGroupName'] = group_name if req_id not in result: result[req_id] = [] result[req_id].append(log) matchcount += 1 if always_m is not None: if ( never_match_re is not None and never_match_re.match(log['message']) ): logger.debug( 'Message matched always_match_re but also ' 'never_match_re; suppressing: %s', log['message'] ) continue if 'always_match' not in result: result['always_match'] = [] result['always_match'].append(log) logger.debug( 'Filtered %d log messages to %d messages from %d invocations', len(logs), matchcount, len(result) ) return result
[docs] def get_cloudwatch_logs(self, interval=86400, group_name=None): """ Get CloudWatch logs for the last ``interval`` seconds. The log group name defaults to ``/aws/lambda/{func_name}`` if left at the default of None. :param group_name: CloudWatch logs group name. If left at default of ``None``, defaults to ``/aws/lambda/{func_name}``. :type group_name: str :param interval: how far back in logs to look, in seconds :type interval: int :return: list of log entry dicts, sorted by timestamp :rtype: list """ interval = interval * 1000 # milliseconds now = int(time()) * 1000 cutoff = now - interval if group_name is None: group_name = '/aws/lambda/%s' % self._func_name logger.debug('Finding streams in CW Log Group: %s', group_name) paginator = self._logs.get_paginator('describe_log_streams') stream_iterator = paginator.paginate( logGroupName=group_name, orderBy='LastEventTime', descending=True ) streams = [] try: for resp in stream_iterator: for stream in resp['logStreams']: if stream.get('lastEventTimestamp', 0) < cutoff: continue streams.append(stream['logStreamName']) except Exception as ex: if hasattr(ex, 'response'): emsg = ex.response.get('Error', {}).get('Code', 'unknown') if emsg == 'ResourceNotFoundException': logger.warning('CloudWatch Log group does not exist: %s', group_name) return [] raise logger.debug('Found %d log streams with events in time span', len(streams)) logs = [] for sname in streams: logs.extend(self._get_cw_log_stream( group_name, sname, cutoff, now )) return sorted(logs, key=itemgetter('timestamp'))
[docs] def _get_cw_log_stream(self, group_name, stream_name, start_ts, end_ts): """ Return all log messages from the specified stream at or after ``ts``. :param group_name: CloudWatch log group name :type group_name: str :param stream_name: CloudWatch log stream name :type stream_name: str :param start_ts: timestamp in milliseconds to return logs after :type start_ts: int :param end_ts: timestamp in milliseconds to return logs before :type end_ts: int :return: :rtype: list """ messages = [] logger.debug('Getting events from CloudWatch Logs Group %s stream %s', group_name, stream_name) paginator = self._logs.get_paginator('filter_log_events') resp_iter = paginator.paginate( logGroupName=group_name, logStreamNames=[stream_name], startTime=start_ts, endTime=end_ts ) for resp in resp_iter: messages.extend(resp['events']) logger.debug('Found %d messages in stream %s', len(messages), stream_name) return messages
[docs] def get_cloudwatch_metric_sums(self, interval=86400, period=86400): """ Return a dict of CloudWatch Metrics for this Lambda function, summed over ``interval``. Keys are metric names ("Errors", "Throttles", "Invocations") and values are sums of each ``period``-period datapoint, for the past ``interval`` seconds. For further information on these metrics, see: lam-metricscollected.html :param interval: how many seconds of historical data to request :type interval: int :param period: the metric collection period to request from CloudWatch :type period: int :return: dict of metric name to sum for the last ``interval`` seconds :rtype: dict """ res = {'Errors': 0.0, 'Throttles': 0.0, 'Invocations': 0.0} now = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC()) start = now - timedelta(seconds=interval) logger.debug('Checking CloudWatch Metrics for Lambda function: %s', self._func_name) for m in self._cw.metrics.filter( Namespace='AWS/Lambda', Dimensions=[ { 'Name': 'FunctionName', 'Value': self._func_name } ] ): dims = _name_value_dict(m.dimensions) # Lambda metrics are published twice, once with just # FunctionName, and a second time with both FunctionName and # Resource. Skip the duplicates that also have Resource dimension. if dims.keys() != ['FunctionName']: continue stats = m.get_statistics( Dimensions=[{'Name': 'FunctionName', 'Value': self._func_name}], StartTime=start, EndTime=now, Period=period, Statistics=['Sum'] ) val = sum([x['Sum'] for x in stats['Datapoints']]) res[m.metric_name] = val logger.debug('Metrics for %s: %s', self._func_name, res) return res
[docs] @staticmethod def find_matching_func_names(filter, region_name, client=None): """ Return a list of all Lambda functions with names that either start with ``filter`` (if ``filter`` is a string) or match ``filter`` (if filter is a ``re.RegexObject``). :param filter: lambda function name filter :type filter: ``str`` ``re.RegexObject`` :param region_name: region name to run against :type region_name: str :param client: boto3 Lambda client, or None to create new :type client: ``boto3.client`` :return: list of matching Lambda function names :rtype: list """ if client is None: client = boto3.client('lambda', region_name=region_name) if isinstance(filter, type('')): filter = re.compile('^' + re.escape(filter) + '.*') logger.debug( 'Finding Lambda function names matching: %s', filter.pattern ) matches = [] total = 0 paginator = client.get_paginator('list_functions') for response in paginator.paginate(): for func in response['Functions']: total += 1 if not filter.match(func['FunctionName']): continue matches.append(func['FunctionName']) logger.debug('Matched %d of %d Lambda functions', len(matches), total) return sorted(matches)
[docs]class CustodianErrorReporter(object): """Scan and report on CW Metrics/Logs errors for c7n lambdas""" #: How far to look back in logs and metrics, in seconds INTERVAL = 86400 #: Human-readable description of the interval INVL_DESC = 'day' #: What period to request CloudWatch metrics for METRIC_PERIOD = 86400 #: Amount of time (float seconds) to sleep between checking each function, #: to try to avoid API rate limiting. INTER_FUNC_SLEEP = 3.0 ALL_ERROR_FUNCTIONS = re.compile(r'^cloud-custodian.*') ALL_ERROR_LOG_RE = re.compile(r'.*(ERROR|WARNING).*') def __init__(self, config, region_name): """ :param config: a non-region-specific config for this account :type config: CaisConfig :param region_name: the name of the region to run against :type region_name: str """ self._config = config.config_for_region(region_name) self._region_name = region_name # override default max_attempts from 5 to 10, for throttling retry_conf = Config(retries={'max_attempts': BOTOCORE_MAX_ATTEMPTS}) self._logs = boto3.client( 'logs', config=retry_conf, region_name=region_name ) self._cw = boto3.resource('cloudwatch', region_name=region_name) self._lambda = boto3.client('lambda', region_name=region_name) self._sqs = boto3.client('sqs', region_name=region_name) self._dlq_url = self._sqs_arn_to_url( self._config.dead_letter_queue_arn ) self._now = self._start = self._now - timedelta(seconds=self.INTERVAL) self._failed_request_ids = {} # set by _get_sqs_dlq() self._sqs_rcpts = [] # set by _get_sqs_dlq()
[docs] def _sqs_arn_to_url(self, arn): """ Find the URL for an SQS Queue given its ARN. :param arn: the ARN of the queue :type arn: str :return: the URL of the queue :rtype: str """ m = re.match(r'^arn:aws:sqs:[^:]+:(\d+):([^:]+)$', arn) assert m is not None acct_id = queue_name = logger.debug( 'Looking up SQS Queue URL for ARN %s (owner=%s name=%s)', arn, acct_id, queue_name ) try: url = self._sqs.get_queue_url( QueueName=queue_name, QueueOwnerAWSAccountId=acct_id )['QueueUrl']'Found SQS Queue URL as %s for %s', url, arn) return url except self._sqs.exceptions.QueueDoesNotExist:'SQS Queue %s does not exist', arn) return None
[docs] def run(self, never_match_re=None): """ collect and report on all cloud-custodian Lambda errors """ print( 'Searching cloud-custodian Lambda functions for failed invocations' ) lambda_names = LambdaHealthChecker.find_matching_func_names( re.compile(r'^(custodian-|cloud-custodian-).*'), self._region_name ) logger.debug('Custodian Lambda functions: %s', lambda_names) errors = False self._get_sqs_dlq() logger.debug( '%d failed Lambda invocations: %s', len(self._failed_request_ids), self._failed_request_ids.keys() ) for fname in lambda_names: if not self._check_function(fname, never_match_re=never_match_re): '_check_function returned False (NOT HEALTHY) for: %s', fname ) errors = True logger.debug( 'Sleeping %s seconds before checking next function', self.INTER_FUNC_SLEEP ) sleep(self.INTER_FUNC_SLEEP) self._ack_sqs() req_ids = [ i for i in self._failed_request_ids if self._failed_request_ids[i] is None ] if len(req_ids) > 0: print( "\n\n" + red('ERROR: %d failed Lambda RequestIDs could not be tied ' 'to their function names: %s' % (len(req_ids), req_ids)) + "\n\n" ) if errors: print('Some lambda functions had errors in the last ' '%s' % self.INVL_DESC) raise SystemExit(1) print('No Lambda functions had errors in the last ' + self.INVL_DESC)
[docs] def _get_sqs_dlq(self): """ Pull all messages from the SQS Dead Letter Queue. Add the failed Lambda RequestIDs to `self._failed_request_ids` and the SQS Reciept Handles to `self._sqs_rcpts`. """ if self._dlq_url is None: logger.warning('Dead-letter SQS queue could not be found; skipping') return count = 0 msgs = [None]'Polling SQS queue: %s', self._dlq_url) while len(msgs) > 0: response = self._sqs.receive_message( QueueUrl=self._dlq_url, WaitTimeSeconds=20, MaxNumberOfMessages=10, MessageAttributeNames=['RequestID', 'ErrorMessage'], AttributeNames=['SentTimestamp'] ) msgs = response.get('Messages', []) logger.debug('%d SQS Messages received from one poll', len(msgs)) for m in msgs: count += 1 self._failed_request_ids[ m['MessageAttributes']['RequestID']['StringValue']] = None self._sqs_rcpts.append(m['ReceiptHandle'])'Received %d SQS messages in total', count) logger.debug('SQS Message Receipt Handles: %s', self._sqs_rcpts)
[docs] def _ack_sqs(self): """ Delete (ack) all SQS messages in `self._sqs_rcpts`. """ for rh in self._sqs_rcpts: self._sqs.delete_message( QueueUrl=self._dlq_url, ReceiptHandle=rh )
[docs] def _check_function(self, func_name, never_match_re=None): """ Check health of one Lambda function. Print information on it to STDOUT. Return True for healthy, False if errors/failures. :param func_name: Lambda function name to check :type func_name: str :param never_match_re: Regex for logs to NEVER return, even if they match ``always_match_re``. :type never_match_re: ``re`` :return: whether the function had errors/failures :rtype: bool """ c = LambdaHealthChecker( func_name, self._region_name, logs=self._logs, cw=self._cw ) req_ids = [ i for i in self._failed_request_ids if self._failed_request_ids[i] is None ] if self.ALL_ERROR_FUNCTIONS.match(func_name): logs = c.get_filtered_logs( req_ids, always_match_re=self.ALL_ERROR_LOG_RE, never_match_re=never_match_re ) else: logs = c.get_filtered_logs(req_ids) metrics = c.get_cloudwatch_metric_sums() msg = [] if metrics['Invocations'] > 0: throttle_pct = (metrics['Throttles'] / metrics['Invocations']) * 100 error_pct = (metrics['Errors'] / metrics['Invocations']) * 100 else: throttle_pct = 0 error_pct = 0 if error_pct > 50: msg.append('Lambda Function Errors: %s%% (%d of %d invocations)' % ( error_pct, metrics['Errors'], metrics['Invocations'] )) if throttle_pct > 50: msg.append( 'Lambda Function Throttles: %s%% (%d of %d invocations)' % ( throttle_pct, metrics['Throttles'], metrics['Invocations'] ) ) if len(logs) < 1 and len(msg) == 0: print(green('%s: OK\n' % func_name)) return True print(red('%s: ERRORS' % func_name)) for m in msg: print("\t%s" % red(m)) if len(logs) < 1: return True print("\n\tLogs For Failed Invocations:\n") for req_id in logs.keys(): if req_id == 'always_match': continue events = logs[req_id] self._failed_request_ids[req_id] = func_name print("\t" + red('RequestID=%s logGroupName=%s logStreamName=%s' % ( req_id, events[0]['logGroupName'], events[0]['logStreamName'] ))) for e in events: print("\n".join([ "\t\t%s" % line.replace("\t", ' ') for line in e['message'].split("\n") if line.strip() != '' ])) if 'always_match' in logs: print("\t" + red( 'Always-Match Logs (RequestID not in DLQ, but log matches ' 'regex that we want to always alarm on)' )) for e in logs['always_match']: print("\n".join([ "\t\t%s" % line.replace("\t", ' ') for line in e['message'].split("\n") if line.strip() != '' ])) print('') return False
[docs]def _name_value_dict(lst): """ Given a list (``lst``) containing dicts with ``Name`` and ``Value`` keys, return a single dict of Name -> Value. """ res = {} for item in lst: res[item['Name']] = item['Value'] return res
[docs]def parse_args(argv): p = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Report on c7n lambda errors', epilog='This tool is part of manheim_c7n_tools v%s.\n' 'For documentation, see: %s' % (VERSION, PROJECT_URL), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) p.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=VERSION) p.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='count', default=0, help='verbose output. specify twice for debug-level output.') p.add_argument('-A', '--no-assume-role', dest='assume_role', action='store_false', default=True, help='Do not assume a role, even if specified in the ' 'configuration file.') p.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest='config', action='store', default='manheim-c7n-tools.yml', help='Config file path (default: ./manheim-c7n-tools.yml)') p.add_argument('-n', '--never-match-re', dest='never_match_re', type=str, action='store', default=None, help='Regex for Lambda function logs to suppress/never ' 'match') p.add_argument('ACCOUNT_NAME', action='store', type=str, help='Account name to run errorscan against') p.add_argument('REGION_NAME', action='store', type=str, help='AWS Region name to run errorscan against') args = p.parse_args(argv) return args
[docs]def main(): args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) # set logging level if args.verbose > 1: set_log_debug(logger) elif args.verbose == 1: set_log_info(logger) conf = ManheimConfig.from_file(args.config, args.ACCOUNT_NAME) if args.assume_role: assume_role(conf) if args.never_match_re is not None: args.never_match_re = re.compile(args.never_match_re) CustodianErrorReporter(conf, args.REGION_NAME).run( never_match_re=args.never_match_re )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()