Source code for manheim_c7n_tools.s3_archiver

# Copyright 2017-2019 Manheim / Cox Automotive
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.

Script to clean up the custodian S3 buckets, by moving logs from any deleted
policies to an "archived-logs/" prefix.

import sys
import logging
import boto3
import argparse

import yaml

    from yaml import CSafeLoader as SafeLoader
except ImportError:
    from yaml import SafeLoader

from manheim_c7n_tools.utils import set_log_info, set_log_debug
from manheim_c7n_tools.version import VERSION

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class S3Archiver(object): def __init__(self, region_name, bucket_name, conf_file, dryrun=False):'Connecting to S3 in %s for bucket %s (config file: %s)', region_name, bucket_name, conf_file) self._s3 = boto3.resource('s3', region_name=region_name) self._region_name = region_name self._bucket_name = bucket_name self._bucket = self._s3.Bucket(bucket_name) self._conf_file = conf_file self._dryrun = dryrun
[docs] def run(self): policy_names = self._get_policy_names() logger.debug('Found %d policies in config', len(policy_names)) prefixes = self._get_s3_policy_prefixes() logger.debug('Found %d policy prefixes in S3 bucket', len(prefixes)) move_count = 0 for p in prefixes: if p not in policy_names: self._move_prefix(p) move_count += 1'Archived %d policy name prefixes', move_count)
[docs] def _move_prefix(self, policy_name): """ Given a policy name key prefix in S3, move everything under it to the ``archived-logs/`` prefix. :param policy_name: name of the policy prefix in S3 :type policy_name: str """ if not self._dryrun:'Moving policy prefix logs/%s to archived-logs/%s', policy_name, policy_name) count = 0 for o in self._bucket.objects.filter( Prefix='logs/%s/' % policy_name ): dest = o.key.replace('logs/', 'archived-logs/') self._s3_move_file(o, dest) count += 1 if self._dryrun:'DRYRUN: Would move %d objects under logs/%s to ' 'archived-logs/%s', count, policy_name, policy_name) else:'Moved %d objects under logs/%s to archived-logs/%s', count, policy_name, policy_name)
[docs] def _s3_move_file(self, obj_summary, dest_key): """ S3 doesn't have any built-in logic for "moving" or "renaming" an object. The way `awscli` and all of the SDK examples do this is by copying the source to the destination, then deleting the source. To make this a bit more unweildy, it's far easier to copy with the boto3 client than with the fancy Resource-oriented API. :param obj_summary: the S3 ObjectSummary instance to move :type obj_summary: ``boto3.S3.ObjectSummary`` :param dest_key: S3 key to move to :type dest_key: str """ if self._dryrun: logger.debug('DRYRUN: Would move %s to %s', obj_summary.key, dest_key) return # ELSE not a dry run, actually do it client = self._bucket.meta.client logger.debug('Copying %s to %s', obj_summary.key, dest_key) client.copy_object( ACL='private',, Key=dest_key, CopySource={ 'Bucket':, 'Key': obj_summary.key }, MetadataDirective='COPY', TaggingDirective='COPY' ) # ok, copied, now delete logger.debug('Deleting %s', obj_summary.key) obj_summary.delete()
[docs] def _get_s3_policy_prefixes(self): """ Find all of the per-policy prefixes (a.k.a. "directories") in the S3 bucket. Return a list of them :return: list of per-policy prefixes in S3 bucket :rtype: list """ client = self._bucket.meta.client response = client.list_objects(, Delimiter='/', Prefix='logs/' ) if response['IsTruncated']: raise RuntimeError('ERROR: S3 response was truncated!') result = [] for pname in response.get('CommonPrefixes', []): result.append(pname['Prefix'].replace('logs/', '').strip('/')) return result
[docs] def _get_policy_names(self): """ Read the custodian config file; return a list of policy names. :return: list of policy names :rtype: list """ with open(self._conf_file, 'r') as fh: contents = data = yaml.load(contents, Loader=SafeLoader) return [p['name'] for p in data['policies']]
[docs]def parse_args(argv): p = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Archive S3 logs for deleted policies' ) p.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=VERSION) p.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='count', default=0, help='verbose output. specify twice for debug-level output.') p.add_argument('-d', '--dry-run', dest='dryrun', action='store_true', default=False, help='print what would be done; dont move anything') p.add_argument('REGION_NAME', action='store', type=str, help='AWS region name to run against') p.add_argument('BUCKET_NAME', action='store', type=str, help='S3 Bucket Name') p.add_argument('CONF_FILE', action='store', type=str, help='path to cloud-custodian config YML file') args = p.parse_args(argv) return args
[docs]def main(): # setup logging for direct command-line use global logger FORMAT = "[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=FORMAT) logger = logging.getLogger() # suppress boto3 internal logging below WARNING level boto3_log = logging.getLogger("boto3") boto3_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) boto3_log.propagate = True # suppress botocore internal logging below WARNING level botocore_log = logging.getLogger("botocore") botocore_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) botocore_log.propagate = True # end setup logging args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) # set logging level if args.verbose > 1: set_log_debug(logger) elif args.verbose == 1: set_log_info(logger) S3Archiver( args.REGION_NAME, args.BUCKET_NAME, args.CONF_FILE, dryrun=args.dryrun ).run()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()